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Highlight Hiker Blog

February, 2021

The Catskill Mountains: Bellayre, Devil’s Path and more

It had been a few long, hard months. Between covid isolation and the hammering of one day after another of cold, wind and snow I was starting to get stir crazy in my house. That’s the way it is with the outdoorsy type, I suppose. I had discovered something new about myself in the winter, which is that wind damage makes my whole face swell up like a plump grapefruit. So while I don’t mind hiking in the cold months, I do mind when my eyes are too puffy to open in the morning after my cold hike.

Needless to say, I am learning to be cautious with my sensitivity to the cold, and this particular winter took it easy.

But here’s the rub: four years earlier I had received snowshoes as a gift and because the previous winters had been so mild, or without any significant accumulation of snow, I had only used them once.

My birthday is in February and 2021 marked a milestone birthday. Because of the pandemic I couldn’t celebrate with a traditional party, so instead I opted for a family getaway in the Catskills so I could try out snowshoeing. The kids were in virtual school and the hubs was working from home virtually, so… why not? We could do all those things remotely. The whole family agreed. Even the dogs. Though the dogs aren’t a fan of driving long distances.

I digress…

We had a nice place (thanks to the generosity of family who own a house near Bellayre) to stay and away we went just before the crush of a Nor’easter. Appropriately snowed in at The Catskills, it took a few patient days before we were plowed out enough to explore.

I was able to snowshoe twice: once on Devil’s Path in the Hunter-West Kill Mountain Wilderness, and once in the shadow of Bellayre on their natural trails. I had only been to Bellayre twice before and both times we focused on skiing, so this was my first time exploring trails. There is a lot to explore! Because I was hyper aware of my sensitive skin, I only did short missions on snowshoes, but it’s definitely a wonderful way to experience the outdoors in the winter. I did X-country ski as a teenager, and I think I would appreciate it even more as an adult, but for now…. I’m a snowshoeaholic!

One cool thing I got to do in the Catskills for the first time ever….? Sign a trail register! It’s the small things, isn’t it???

I also got to drive around with a kid in the afternoons for a little one-on-one time as we explored Indian Head Wilderness, and the Windham Blackhead Range.

My husband took time off of work and we spent about four hours in the car just exploring the region one day, which was a great introduction to the Catskills.

Mostly, the experience gave us some decompression time, which was just what the doctor ordered. We got out of our home and the mundane routine and were able to try new foods, see new sights, get buried under snow and enjoy being together. Funny how a pandemic will do that to a family!

I also decided to make a few changes to my website. You’ll see them in upcoming posts. Hope you enjoy the updates! For now, just kick back and enjoy the gallery. Hopefully this won’t be my first time exploring the trails in the Catskills, and certainly l I hope to return in the warmer months when I can backpack and stay in shelters and really get to know the territory a little bit better.

Catskill Mountains

Snowshoeing Devil’s Path & Bellayre XC trail A

Total Mileage:

3.25 miles

Total Elevation:

368 feet