If you’ve never been to the high peaks of Colorado, let me assure you that it is exactly the way you’ve imagined it to be: fresh air, tasty water for glacial mountain springs, cold blue alpine lakes and snow capped mountains in all seasons. For as many people we are there exploring the mountains along with you, you still feel isolated and as though you’re on a back country adventure. The light, the colors, the textures are all a little bit more in Colorado (especially the sun at altitude so don’t forget to pack that sunscreen). I’ve visited at the height of winter and the flush of summer and feel confident that no matter your season you will find high adventure and beauty in every step. Which is why the gallery is densely packed with photos. I don’t think I’ve taken this many photos of any other place but who could blame me? It’s 360 degrees of gorgeous at every turn. Plus, I saw MOOSE! A lot of moose, actually. Which was, quite frankly, the only thing I was really hoping for on my backpacking trip to the Indian Peaks Wilderness! But I digress… links are below to the pages of my Colorado experience.
Winter photos are from Caribou Ranch Open Space, 2019.
Indian Peaks Wilderness, Day One