Where am I going?
Highlight Hiker Blog
Just Checking In
December 4, 2020
Hello, my wonderful people! It’s been a few weeks, I know, but everything is well. The family is good and healthy. I’m good and healthy. The Olden Golden and The Dog are well and healthy. No complaints outta’ me… other than I haven’t been able to go hiking!
“So what’s been going on, Highlight? What could possibly keep you away from the trails if you’re healthy and well?”
First of all, thank you for caring enough to ask. That’s really very kind of you.
Secondly, I’ve been busy!! The Hubs and I decided to put our house up for sale so we’ve been sprucing up the joint. I’ve been painting rooms, we had a new floor/baseboards installed in the kitchen, been taking down artwork, filling holes and repainting… and the decluttering. Good gracious, the decluttering!!! Let me just tell you: I don’t consider myself a hoarder but over the last 14 years of living in the same house, we’ve acquired too much… STUFF. It’s been a lot of work and we’re not done yet. Then there was Thanksgiving, and now Christmas shopping and decorating, and if that weren’t enough I’ve also been writing a story… =whew= there has been a lot to do!
Aside from that, my last long, cold adventure put me off from hiking long hours in the wind and snow. I sustained a lot of damage to the skin of my face, and it’s taken me a bit to get the bravery to go back out. I’ve been to Campgaw a number of times, but I feel like I’ve blogged about Campgaw twice before… what could I possibly have to left to say…? Except that the general public have caught wind of what an awesome place it is, and it is more crowded than ever. =boo=hiss=
I have been treadmill-ing, strength training and trip planning recently, though! Because while working out in my basement if fine, it isn’t the same as being surrounded in the silent strength and beauty of Mother Nature. I’m finding myself anxious to get back out there. I even dreamt last night (like, all night) that I was hiking the entire 2,190 miles of the Appalachian Trail. I think I might be missing the blazes, what do you think?
Is there a place you’d like me to explore? Contact me! You can send me an email at highlight@highlighthiker.com, or contact me via Facebook. I’d love to get your input, so tell me: where would you like me to wander?
TRIP PLANNING: I really enjoyed making the photo collages comparing the difference in landscape from season to season (if you haven’t seen that gallery yet, click the ‘Explore it’ button above, or just click here). I’ve been researching short-ish hikes I’ve done in spring and summer months to continue that trend, such as the William Hoeferlin trail, Pochunk Boardwalk, and Jungle Habitat. Lastly, I would like to make my dream of hiking the entire length of the Bearfort-Waters-Clinton trail (BWC) a reality at some point.
But the big problem to solve is when will I trek the ONE LAST HIKE to complete NY/NJ Trail Conference map #116 (it has taken me less than one year to hike all of these trails: toot! toot!)(that’s me tooting my own horn)(I’m stating the obvious). This last hike is several miles of the AT through Waywayanda State Park, and includes the infamous Stairway to Heaven and Pinwheel Vista as it rises and falls over Waywayanda Mountain. I just can’t decide when I want to hike it. I’m not really interested in climbing up Stairway to Heaven (known for it’s steep and rocky ascent) in slippery, wet conditions, nor do I want to haul myself up Stairway to Heaven to be greeted with a drab, overcast scenic view. So timing is essential in planning these last precious miles. So when will I do this…? Soon, my pet, soon.
The last thing I want to tell you is that I’m thinking about something. Something new and big from yours truly. But I will hold that one close to the vest until it’s the right time. TEASER!!
So basically what I’m saying here is: stay tuned! The best is yet to come!
Your friend in mileage - Highlight