Highlight Hiker Blog

June 6, 2021

Norvin Green State Forest &
NJ District Water Supply Commission
Stonetown Circular, West

So, going back to this hike is a little tough for me because I injured myself pretty badly. I woke up early in the morning with the intention of going around the entire Stonetown Circular loop (red/white triangle blaze) but at the halfway point, I called for a pick-up and had to take off several months from hiking to recover.

If you’ve read any of my previous entries, you’ve heard me talk about how my short stature can sometimes give me pause along the trail. Well, yeah, that was once again the case here. It was such a beautiful day and such a beautiful hike but one tiny little error in judgement and boom! Hiking season (which for me is pretty much all seasons but freezing, high wind season) was nearly kaput!

The header image is the exact spot where it all went down. Or didn’t go down, as was the case. There is an enormous piece of glacial erratic on the trail, with a tree wedged right up to it’s side. You can’t pass around it. You can only go over it. I decided not to risk jumping down, so I tried to ease down using the tree. It didn’t go as planned. My left foot was high on the rock, my right foot was on the tree, and then my left foot was caught while my right foot started to slip. As a result, my left hip started to zingy-dingy with pain. I’d done some sort of damage to soft tissue. Hopefully not irreparable damage, but I knew instantly that was pretty bad. I hiked gingerly the rest of the way but still had uneven terrain, rocks to scramble down…. it didn’t look too good. And it wiped me out.


Holy smokes, look past my stupid mistake (it was a poor decision on my part, for sure) and look at this trail! Look at these photos! I’m not an early riser. My life in the theater turned me into a night owl at a very young age but wow! I actually really enjoyed waking up just before dawn and getting out there. So much more wildlife, and cooler temps, and the sunrise and WOW. I was a big fan.

Look, hundreds of people travel this trail without my problem, so don’t write off Stonetown Circular. I know most people only do the scenic view section of Little Windbeam to Windbeam on the east side, but there is so much more to the Stonetown Circular! It is a very challenging hike, though, so if you don’t have a full day to dedicate to it, do it in chunks! It’s pretty easy to hike just the east side and/or just the west side, or you can be like me and break it up into several out-and-backs. There are so many ways to explore this loop! My one piece of friendly advice: bring trekking poles. And lots of water. And maybe some lunch.

The east side of STC is the last trail that I have left to hike on this map. I think my hip has done a pretty good job healing, so I’m determined to get it done in 2022, it’s just a matter of when since the temps have been really cold and the wind ferocious, and that’s just not much fun to hike in, if you ask me.

Check out the gallery for more detailed descriptions (and the jokes… don’t forget the jokes) and check out STC for yourself!

NY/NJ TC has broken up the Stonetown Circular trail onto two maps: Long Pond Ironworks/Norvin Green North, and Norvin Green South. The north section is at the top of the page. Directly above is the south section. As you can see, I wandered a little further south from the STC to complete the missing piece of The Highlands Trail which connects the northern section of Norvin Green to the southern section.

Norvin Green State Forest & NJ Dictrict Water Supply

Stonetown Circular (west)