Highlight Hiker Blog

May 16, 2022

Franklin Lakes
Old Mill Woodlands
Parsons Pond Park

biking, walking, roller blading, skateboarding
dog park available at Old Mill Woodlands

I had gone somewhere… as I write this in January 2023 it’s difficult to remember but… I had gone somewhere prior to arriving in Franklin Lakes. It was in the afternoon and I was dead set on getting these tiny trails in a city park over and done with. In my mind these aren’t hiking trails and I was simply wandering here to complete the sections on my map.

And I wish I had more to say about these parks than that. Some of the trails are paved and some are natural but it’s a city park surrounded by condos or homes and it gets a lot of daily use. Even Parsons Pond, which is a bit more…. remote..? Is still full of visitors daily, just by their proximity to it.

I carried my backpack because that’s how I haul my water around with me and I got a few people looking at me funny. It’s that kind of city park. Tennis courts and baseball fields. Kids biking as fast as they can, laughter, mothers and children on the playground. It really is a city park with a few little trails sprinkled in for good measure.

What I can tell you, though, is that Parsons Pond is a haven for bird watching. My neighbor, who is an amateur wildlife photographer, has had an abundance of good fortune there. So if wildlife photography is your jam - this is a great place to do it.

I earnestly think that city parks have their merit. They are a great place to introduce children to adventures in the forest and this park is perfect for that: it has just enough nature trail to get little kids comfortable with walking among the trees but also close enough for Mom to get back to the car quickly. It’s also good for those whose mobility might not be good enough for a remote hike on uneven terrain. These trails are manicured (and just short enough) to feel like your in the woods without venturing too far from home.

Franklin Lakes
Old Mill Woodlands

Franklin Lakes
Parsons Pond Park