Highlight Hiker Blog
May 13, 2022
Ringwood Manor and Tranquility Ridge
Hasenclever Iron Trail Reroute
Mahwah Open Space
Geiger Road Park
foot traffic only
Ok, it isn’t a secret… I do NOT like the Hasenclever Iron Trail. I get the heebeegeebees on this trail and I feel like people are watching me, even though I’m alone. It’s muddy, it’s buggy, it’s long and it’s not a loop, the ground water is toxic and while the history of it is kinda cool and I know it has its place, it is littered and there always seems to be an aroma of pot everywhere but again… NO ONE IS THERE. I don’t like it. I know there is a big group dedicated to it and that love it and preserve it. I am not in the group and now that I’ve completed it you can bet your bippy I shall ne’er return.
And my visit on May 13th was no exception. I went in with an open mind but I sunk into mud, I felt like there was someone following me even though I was alone, I heard strange noises I couldn’t explain and I practically was racing to get out of there. I felt unwanted and I believe me I didn’t want, either!!
Thank you Hasenclever Iron Trail but no thank you!
Not to mention the construction going on and the ticks. I’m just over the HIT.
So I’m going to let the captions in the gallery do their job. My Momma taught me that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all, so I’m done talking about this trail.
After I completed the HIT, I drove northeast to a Mahwah Open Space trail that couldn’t have been as much as a mile. You’ll see it in the photo gallery - it’s off of Geiger Road in Mahwah. Apparently no name. Just a little trail. La tee da. It was fine. A nice view that was partially obstructed. Once I was done there, I simply checked it off the list. I don’t think I would really go back. Having said that, it was immeasurably more pleasing to hike this trail to the Hasenclever Iron Trail!!!

Ringwood Manor & Tranquility Ridge
Hasenclever Iron Trail
My trail began in Ringwood State Park at Ringwood Manor
Spring had finally sprung!
I'm kind of obsessed with this tree. I have dozens of photos of it.
The foliage is full!
The spring flowers have arrived!
Aaaaaaand then there is the Hasenclever Iron trail. Wah wah.
The bit of trail here by Ringwood Manor is nice. There are some prospect mines dotted along the trail but you have to fumble through the woods to find them.
I was on the yellow trail
Between Ringwood Manor and Tranquility Ridge there is a boatload of construction. It's very active and very loud and disruptive.
You can see how the land has been cleared for the construction in the left side of this photo as compared to the right
The power line clearing allows you to see how much is being changed
It's a fair amount of work
I zoomed in as far as I could with my little phone camera
Anyway - back to the Hasenclever Iron trail...
It's littered with litter
And for a public trail there are an awful lot of danger signs
This is where the trail used to continue on... up to Peter's Mine. But Peter's Min is contaminated with lead paint and other paint sludge, hence why the reroute was so important. For years this section of the trail was closed and you could not pass from one park to the other.
Now you just cruise along this woods road
With all its dangers and warnings
Don't worry - I won't! If there is anyone you can count on not spending time exploring the Hasenclever Iron trail woods, it's ME!
There were some neat old remains from what I'm assuming used to be a road near on on the old railroad tracks
The reroute is on the left. The woods road continues on the right. I have no curiosity to explore that woods road. Ever.
Funny thing about this trail was... in the hollow the trail was dry. But then you had to climb up a hill
And up the hill some more
And then it just became a hot mess of mud
There were some perks to it being wet and muddy, though
Nice. Car battery. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS. ???????
Hot. Muddy. Mess.
See ya, Hasenclever Iron Trail, wouldn't wanna' be ya!

Mahwah Open Space
Geiger Road
This trail has no name. It's just a short trail with an overlook
It is a little on the steep side, but that just makes it a better work out!
The trail was oddly quiet and not as green as its neighboring parks
Your eyes do not deceive you - it is very steep
There is this building that has fallen apart. That's not creepy. Especially after hiking the creepy Hasenclever Iron Trail!
That's as much of a look that you get at this look out. Partially obstructed. In a theater, these would be the discounted seats.