Where am I going?

Highlight Hiker Blog

May 21, 2021

Apshawa Preserve

Apshawa is neither on NY/NJ Trail Conference maps #115 nor #116, but it was time to branch out (forest pun intended). I’d seen pictures on Instagram from other photographers of Apshawa and I decided, since I was getting closer and closer each week to completing my maps, that it was time to figure out what to do when I’ve reached my goal. Where will I go next? I’d already investigated some of the Jersey Highlands and really enjoyed the hiking there. This was just another opportunity to research my options.

The park is very friendly. Meaning: the people who visit there are very kind and helpful. I met more people than I expected to and my favorite person was a mountain biker who was also exploring the park for the first time and having a grand time of it.

The walk around Butler Reservoir is so enjoyable. It’s like a loving sigh, or a gentle cool breeze. I could have photographed the lily pads all week long. And it was particularly nice because I was all alone while wandering.

I didn’t hike the entire green trail. I left that for another day. I kinda’ spent all my time stopping to take pictures (as you’ll see) and I ran out of time before I could finish exploring. But there is a waterfall and ruins along the more popular green trail which are the highlights of Apshawa for many folks.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I clean the trails up while I hike them. Many of my hiking partners are more discerning in what garbage they’ll pick up, but I’ll pick up just about anything if I have a plastic bag on hand (which I do because I have dogs and keep poo poo bags in my pack at all times). But this trail had the most interesting piece of garbage I have ever packed out: a charcoal grill grate! YES! Not the grill. Not that charcoal. Just the grate. I found it utterly amusing. I felt like a superhero, cleaning up the forest of this grubby, slightly greasy, perhaps a little rusty grate that looked to me like a shield when I’d strapped it to my pack. But I carried myself less like a superhero and more like a cartoon character when I tried to pass between two trees on the trail and got pulled back by the grate, which was too wide to fit through. I laughed and laughed and laughed at myself. It was the zenith of my time at Apshawa and I still chuckle when I see the pictures of my grill grate. I….uhh… I guess you had to be there.

Anyway - there are like, nearly 80 pictures in this gallery which show the terrain and temperament of this park.

PS. The YELLOW blaze trail was closed during my visit. I do not have an update as to whether or not is has since reopened. Hum. Perhaps that warrants a return trip…????

 Apshawa Preserve