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Highlight Hiker Blog

March 27, 2022

Long Pond Ironworks

Jennings Hollow Loop

So, I’m going to come out with a big bold statement that I still standby today, nearly one year after hiking this route: Jennings Hollow is one of the most remarkable places to explore in Northern NJ. There. I said it. I did. I committed my opinion on paper. Errrr… in the cloud…?? Well, either way you get the picture.

I think part of the reason I like Jennings Hollow so much is because it’s fairly unpopular and pretty quiet as far as human occupation. But what I really love it about are the beaver den, the pond brimming with birds, the traces of wildlife habitation, and last but not least: the rope-assisted river crossings!

April and May are mud season in NJ. So areas like Jennings Hollow are either fun (if you have the right footwear) or messy and disgusting (if you have the wrong footwear). So be prepared and wear the right kind of gear: water resistant or waterproof boots that are worn in. Something that you be upset about if they get sucked in under mud up to your ankles. Because, uh… that’s more than likely going to happen at some point on this trail.

My least favorite thing about the Jennings Hollow loop are the ATV’ers that ride illegally through the state park, damaging the ecosystem, making huge ruts and muddy pools in the trail, and who have created a disaster on the east side of the pond. They suck and should be fined heavily. But that’s my personal opinion. Some people think it’s fun. But that kind of fun is not legal in this park, so to me it’s plain old disrespectful. Mostly to the terrain and wildlife that live here. There are turtles and other slow moving animals that live in the boggy areas that the ATV’s have dug track into, and they have been killed for the sake of “fun” in a place where their habitat is supposed to be protected. Where they shouldn’t be disturbed. So. Yeah. ATV’ers: YOU SUCK. And I don’t care who knows that I am vehemently against you joy riding in areas where it is clearly stated you are not allowed. I am the person turning you in. As far as I am concerned you have no respect the law, or the land.

But anyway - Jennings Hollow is amazing. Visit it. Have fun. Protect the habitat. Bring a folding chair and just sit by the pond and bird watch. It’s such a beautiful place. And if you fish, there is a perfect place to fish at the trailhead on Wanaque River.