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Hightlight Hiker Blog
May 24, 2021
Sterling Forest
Appalachian Trail, Fitzgerald Falls
A quick note to AT Thru Hikers:
I have a lot more entries on the AT through Sterling Forest, Waywayanda, and LeHigh Gap! I know your internet search funneled you to this page, which isn't the most informative. If you click on the gallery link below, you’ll also find a list of better, more descriptive pages that include the AT in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
Now, onto my original entry for this day….
There isn’t a whole lot to say here except on this particular day I had very little time, and had also planned a much larger hike for the following day. I wanted to do something short and sweet and chose Fitzgerald Falls as my target. It is very sweet and I happened to be there while a little pod of AT Thru Hikers were there. They had decided to camp along Trout Brook. On my out, I asked if they needed anything but they refused my offers. I took the garbage of one hiker. That was as useful as I got that day!
”That’s great, Highlight but what about Fitzgerald Falls?”
Oh yeah, right! The falls! They’re tall for around these here parts but not as impressive as, say, Chikahoki Falls in Norvin Green. Still, the hike from the 17A parking lot (which I hiked on Mother’s Day) is nicely completed when you end with Fitzgerald Falls. Highly recommended. Especially when, on the way back you stop for ice cream at Bellvale Creamery. For more about the Creamery, go to my “Explore It” button and have a click around!
There is a little blue blaze trail here on the way in to the falls. I did not take it. Yet. Hopefully this hiking season (if the weather ever cooperates) we… meaning you and ne, if only virtually… will have the opportunity to explore it and see what lies along it’s path.
Sterling Forest State Park
Appalachian Trail, Fitzgerald Falls
Blackberry bloomer
There is just a handful of roadside parking next to the trailhead.
The AT is the well worn path
Y'know... the one with the white blazes?
Crossing a footbridge
The goes over Trout Brook
The beautiful forest surrounding the AT with it's proud and majestic trees
The ground around here is really quite flat up to the falls. Perfect spot for camping on the AT.
This is why the AT is often called "The Green Tunnel"
Suddenly the terrain around you becomes rocky
And the next thing you know, you've arrived! It really only is about 1 mile from the roadside parking.
The falls are quite pretty in the flush of spring.
Fitzgerald Falls
Fitzgerald Falls
Fitzgerald Falls
Lots of different angles of Fitzgerald Falls
The stone steps are awesome.
They take you up to the top of the falls. After that, you're on your own!!
The top of the falls
Top o' falls, to ya!
It took a lot for me not to continue to follow those white blazes, I tell ya! Of course, it helped that I didn't have a backpack or water or anything but my phone....
Fitzgerald Falls
The roadside parking area. You could fit about 4 cars on either side of the road comfortably.