Highlight Hiker Blog
September 8, 2021
Indian Peaks Wilderness
Lake Isabelle
Day 3 hiking through Indian Peaks Wilderness was just as spectacular as Day 2. I loved being under the high peaks and the views from the subalpine forest. I’m a big tree hugger, really, so I prefer the forest views to the barren views high above the tree line.
Anyway - as I was saying… Day 3 was as spectacular as Day 2. We climbed up to Lake Isabelle, which is actually not a lake but a reservoir, and strange things of strange things, the water is owned by a private company and they drain the water every fall. Having never been there before, I didn’t really care if the lake was full or empty or somewhere between - I thought it was beautiful.
BUT! In order to get to Lake Isabelle the reservoir, you first have to pass Brainard Lake to get to the trail head, and then walk along Long Lake where you can head either A. continue along the Long Lake loop, B. follow the Pawnee Pass trail, or C. start the climb up to Lake Isabelle. Clearly we chose option C. Although technically we would also choose option A as we did complete the entire loop along Long Lake on our way back down from Isabelle’s 10,908’.
The hike to Lake Isabelle wasn’t steep and it wasn’t particularly difficult. But it was certainly pretty! My guidebook said that these views weren’t “particularly outstanding” but as a newcomer to Colorado, I disagreed. I really enjoyed the views of the Niwot Ridge from Long Lake and all of the fun stream crossings and deliciously scented pines and variety of flora and fauna. This hike had everything you needed, as far as I was concerned, and it packed in quite a lot in a short(er) trail. But frankly, I don’t know that you could really find a “bad” trail anywhere in this wilderness area.
Last thing I’ll mention before I let you get on with the photo gallery… there is a very rich mining history here and Long Lake hosts remnants from that era: a large mine, smaller prospect mines and rusted equipment that must have been too heavy or cumbersome to remove. There is a lot of information that you can explore online. I’m including a link to a website that is solely focused on the mining in this area at Ward, Colorado in the Explore It button.