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Cascade Lake Park, Warwick, NY & Lake Henry, Mahwah, NJ
July 31, 2020
Late in the morning, I made the decision to complete the trails at Cascade Lake Park. After the frustrations from my visit a few days ago, I decided I wanted nothing more than to check this park off the list. And the sooner the better. Besides, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. amiright??? I brought plenty of water (more than I needed, actually) and I couldn’t convince either of the dogs to come with me, so off I went alone into the woods. The park was full when I arrived… but once I headed up the hill on the Blue Trail, I didn’t see a soul until I came back down to the lake.
My plan was simple: Get in. Hike. Get out. Here are the details, quick and dirty… I started out on the Blue Trail and headed east to where it joins the Pink Trail. Up about 400 vertical feet to where the Blue Trail and Pink Trail divide. I followed the Pink Trail on it’s loop, then crossed over to the Aqua Trail and followed it’s loop. Then back down the hill on the Blue & Pink, hooking up to the Green Trail which I completed… and then backtracked over the parts of the Red Trail which I had accidentally diverged from on my hike a few days ago.
This park has it’s charms, but personally? I think those charms are best left for others. I like that this park provides a quick and easy connector to the Appalachian Trail, and I enjoy the lake itself when it’s quiet… but the rest of the park…? Meh. Nothing really to write home about, and too many unmarked trails leading this way and that. Some people will appreciate that opportunity to explore, but I don’t like the reminder of human encroachment in a designated natural habitat. But honestly, I think the death nail for this Warwick city park was the dude who decided to bring his dirt bike and ride around tearing up the trails and generally making a nuisance of himself with noise and air pollution. Motorized vehicles are not allowed at most parks in this area, and the park rules are clearly marked, but he could have cared less. And since there was no one official there to monitor the parks procedures…? he did whatever he wanted without consequences for his actions.
Oh! One last thing: remember how I had said that the garbage bins were full on the 28th? Someone came to empty them while I was hiking on the 31st, but they didn’t do a very good job… they left food litter all over the grounds. Because y’know, it’s just a stupid park. There couldn’t possibly be a reason to care. (it’s only an active black bear area. no need to worry. that garbage will just take care of itself.)
On a happier note, after supper my spouse and I took both dogs out to Lake Henry in Mahwah, New Jersey. It’s a short 15 minute walk around the lake, but the dogs love it, and it’s such a pretty place year round. The algae comes and goes in the hot, humid weather, but rain storms do tend to clear tp the water. There is plenty of parking on Halifax Road, as Continental Soldiers Park is closed for remediation of the turf field.
Cascade Lake Park
Warwick, New York
This is one of the small puddles on the trail. The Red Trail has much deeper and wider puddles in the rainy season.
On the Blue Trail you'll cross through fern covered forest.
This cute little unmarked trail is "official" as it is noted on the NY/NJ Trail Conference map as a woods road. It connects with the Green Trail.
Trail head for the Green Trail.
This deep rut in the Blue Trail only lasts a short while, but it makes hiking a bit more challenging!
Typical terrain on the Blue/Pink Trail... loose stone on firm soil. I certainly wouldn't wear flip-flops up here, but you can get away with sturdy sneakers.
Where the Blue Trail diverges from the Pink Trail and heads up to the AT.
The Pink Trail opens up from forest to this cute little field. There were tadpoles in the giant puddle!
Pretty open field on the Pink Trail.
The Aqua Trail is the trail less traveled. It has recent bear scat and is clearly not inhabited too much by humans, though there were (image this:) UNMARKED TRAILS leading west from the main path.
Did you lose your keys??? They are here!
I liked the guides they have posted int he kiosk. Must more informative than some of the others I've seen recently!
Lake Henry
Mahwah, New Jersey
The Dog loves Lake Henry.
It looks like you're walking through cathedral arches!
Lake Henry
The Dog really loves Lake Henry.
Lake Henry
I really liked this picture... until I saw the cigarette box and the can littering the shore.
This picture has no litter.
The Dog really REALLY loves Lake Henry!
The trail is wide enough for two people to walk side by side, and the terrain is firm packed soil.
Ramapo River winds around the northern end of Lake Henry.
One of two bridges where Lake Henry meets the Ramapo River.
I called for the Olden Golden and he came running toward me over the bridge with a big, fat grin on his face. He, too, loves Lake Henry!
Ramapo River from Lake Henry.
This field is a great place to play frisbee or picnic.
Lake Henry
Lake Henry