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Highlight Hiker Blog

White’s Lane Trail & John Kenrick Woods, Orleans, Massachusetts

August 17, 202

What do you want? You want wild life? You want forest? You want hidden treasures…? Or boats in a harbor? These two trail have it all for you within 5 miles and 62 (-ish) acres! Turtle habitat, high reeds, expansive pine forest and lavender against coastal shorelines all amid birds, bees and goats bleating from across a pond. Orleans Conservation Trust (OCT) has it all mapped out for you within driving distance of two remarkable trails!

I had decided to visit White’s Lane Trail for one reason, and one reason alone: turtles. Who doesn’t love turtles? You’ve got to be pretty hard-hearted to not love a baby turtle. But I digress. The trail here is less than 1 mile, so it doesn’t take long to explore the area, but what it has to offer is worth the short walk around. Long views that make you feel perfectly solitary, a very healthy backwater pond with a small farm at the west end with the sounds of chickens and goats filling the air, and tall wispy reeds as far as the eye can see in nearly every direction. This quiet little corner is a wonderful place to sit on a bench and find some peace. And it just so happens there IS a bench here where you can do just that!

While I was there, however, I came across a very kind and knowledgeable OCT volunteer named Chuck. I spent quite some time talking with Chuck about the turtle nests, how many there are on this property, where Mama Turtle currently resides, and what happens when baby turtles are born here (you’ll find all of the answers in the photo captions). He was a wealth of information and all smiles to be sharing with an interested party.

But despite the amount of time that I spent wandering and chatting with Chuck, I had another hour to myself before I had to meet the family so, and without hesitation, I hopped in the car and drove the short distance to John Kenrick Woods to amble around. Kenrick Woods is really delightful. Full of tall dark, fungal and lichen ensconced trees and clean fragrant pines, sun speckled waters and a few human surprises to round it out. I’ve been here before (more than once, actually) and I’m fairly sure it’s a slice of heaven. The downside…? You can always hear nearby traffic and sometimes an airplane overhead, but that doesn’t detract from the calm you feel in these woods.

Have fun following along with the photos! The colors and textures of the Cape are really remarkable. I tried to capture the essence of the place for you to enjoy!

 White’s Lane Trail

 John Kenrick Woods



You made it to the super secret bonus section! On August 18, 2020 I went out for a sunset walk around Mill Pond, and took a few photos for you! I didn’t want to dedicate an entire page to it so…. SURPRISE!!