Highlight Hiker Blog

September 7, 2021

Indian Peaks Wilderness
Day 2

Well well well…. it was a late morning due to the wind storm, but I was up with the sun and anxious to get moving. Of course, I let my sister sleep in because I’m sweet that way. Once she was up and we told one another our sleepness night stories, we packed it up and headed out. It was a perfect day for hiking: high altitude warmth from the sun and not a cloud to be seen in any direction.

Oddly enough, there were not many more people than clouds on our way up to Blue Lake. I could have counted the number of fellow explorers we saw on one hand, I think. Which, from what I read in my guide book, is pretty unusual.

I was giddy with anticipation. No idea what I was going to see, not entirely sure what to expect from the altitude but ready for ADVENTURE above the tree line.

It’s very tough for me to say which destination in Indian Peaks was my favorite, but there was a location past Lake Mitchell on the way to Blue Lake that, when I saw it, brought me to tears. I stood there like a old softie and sputtered on about how beautiful it was. I see the photo of that place and I still feel that way. It was positively flawless.

We first had to hike from our camp site to the trail head, and then when we got to the trail head we had to hike up to Mitchell Lake, and then after Mitchell Lake we had to hike up to Blue Lake. We saw a moose. We had a snack on what we claimed as “Luncheon Rock”. We saw chipmunks and pikas and marmots. We filtered water from a mountain stream (it was delicious). We dipped our toes in icy glacial waters. We sat together in awe and watched the mountain waterfall feed Blue Lake. We stared at Mount Toll and wondered if we could actually touch it from where we sat. I saw a lady rock. And we talked for a long time. Which is my favorite thing to do with my sister. I don’t really care where we go, as long as we get to talk to each other.

But you’re not here to listen to me talk about THAT, you’re here to see the pictures and read the captions! So, off with you!


Indian Peaks Wilderness, Mitchell Lake to Blue Lake