Appalachian Trail
UPDATE: March 7, 2023
72.2 miles of the 2,190 mile Appalachian Trail (AT) are in New Jersey, all of it beautiful. In Northern New Jersey you can easily spend a full weekend hiking the AT from the western region to the New York state line in Abram S. Hewitt State Forest, and even further into New York. Compared to some of the other states that host the AT, New Jersey hiking is relatively mild… but that doesn’t mean it isn’t wild! Rocky terrain and lush, dense forest will surprise most out-of-state hikers who imagine that northern New Jersey is packed densely with suburbs and industry. You can find more challenging hikes in the area if challenge is what you’re looking for, but something about putting down boots on this long distance, historic and scenic trail makes it a little more extraordinary.
BLACK BEARS THRIVE HERE. Due to increased bear activity in our area, camping on the AT in New Jersey is restricted to specific campsites that are equipped with bear boxes. PSA for my AT Thru Hiker friends: black bear mating season is from June - July, which is typically when “the bubble” comes through our beautiful state. Know what to do in case of a bear encounter. You will most likely see one during your thru hike in this region.
Appalachian Trail HIking Pages:
April 25, 2022 - Sterling State Forest, NY
August 25, 2021 - LeHigh Gap, part two
August 24, 2021 - LeHigh Gap, part one
May 30, 2021 - AT at Fort Franklin Road, PA
May 24, 2021 - Sterling Forest, Fitzgerald Falls, NY
May 9, 2021 - Sterling Forest, NY
November 17, 2021 - Abram S. Hewitt State Park, NJ
October 13, 2021 - Pochuck Boardwalk, NJ
June 25, 2020 - Abram S. Hewitt State Forest, NJ
June 23, 2020 - Pochuck Boardwalk, Waywayanda State Park, NJ
June 12, 2020 - Pochuck Boardwalk, Waywayanda State Park, NJ
New Jersey
New York