Highlight Hiker Blog

June 23, 2022

Welp, I finally completed my entries for 2021. Hooray! Let’s all do a little celebratory dance. Thank you. It’s time now to push forward to 2022! April 2, to be exact.

If you read my blog entry about new maps, new trails, new goals you’ll probably know what to expect of me for the 2022 season, but I’ve added some little bonus hikes and other surprise goals along the way that I’m so excited to share with you! Such as the AT in PA, Sterling Forest, the Adirondacks, and a big bridge crossing. But for now, let’s get on with completing the new Northern New Jersey Highlands 4-map set!

Of course, Fitzgerald Falls isn’t on that set, no, you’re right. But on April 2 I took my kid out for a hike. Unfortunately, because there was a film crew at Fitzgerald Falls, we only took 8 pictures. I figured this was as good an entry as any to add them.

Appalachian Trail, Sterling Forest, NY

Fitzgerald Falls