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April 27, 2021

Norvin Green State Forest

Highlands Trail NE Corridor

My original plan on beautiful April 27, 2021 was to take the Highlands Trail from West Brook Road all the way up and over Wyanokie High Point, then use the Hewitt-Butler (blue blaze) and the Mine trail (yellow blaze) back to the Highlands and my car. However, I failed to realize that I had to take a kid to an appointment until I was actually out there, and had to change plans mid-hike. Meh. These things happen. I started out too late and the Highlands in this section took me longer than I anticipated. As a result, you’ll see there are a lot of photos in the gallery until there aren’t. That’s because I was on a race against time to get home. Pat on the back: I made it. I was hot and sweaty, but I made it with time to spare!

But once again, the Highlands threw me a curveball. After all these years, I don’t often miscalculate how long a section will take me when looking at the map. The Highlands is the consistent exception to the rule. If you plan to hit this lovely section, give yourself a lot of extra time as the trail weaves back and forth and up and down and will take longer than you think. It took me one hour to get from my car to Blue Mine.

This sections of the Highlands is dappled with pine trees and glacial erratic and it’s easy to turn on the speed in sections where the terrain isn’t covered in rocks. Because there aren’t any specific viewpoints along the way, it’s a great single track off the beaten path, but as it gets closer to Blue Mine and the popular Wyanokie High Point, it does widen and you’ll meet folks along the trail no matter what day of the week you travel.

I visited on a gorgeous Tuesday afternoon and didn’t see a soul until I got to the Hewitt-Butler.

Road walking is… well, it’s road walking. Not my favorite thing. It’s loud, mostly, but this is where I interacted most with people, saying hello as I passed by ladies and gentlemen out on walks or sprucing up their yards.

Overall, I really adored this portion of the Highlands. I can’t say I would seek it out again and again, but the time spent here won’t easily be forgotten.

Norvin Green State Forest

Highlands Trail NE Corridor