Where am I going?

Highlight Hiker Blog

May 16, 2021

Burnt Meadow to Highlands Trail to Stonetown Circular

I remember on this hike I had planned to make more miles in a larger loop but I had to cut it short because of the thunder and lightening.

When I was a kid, my Grandpa told me stories about how, when he was a boy, he had gone out into the woods near his home in the Appalachian foothills of Kentucky. He said he had been sitting under a tree, waiting out the storm because he didn’t have shoes and he didn’t want his Mama to get mad at him for coming home with muddy feet. While he was under the tree, lightening struck and he had felt a surge of electricity go through his body that was mighty powerful.

Whether or not Grandpa’s story was true, I won’t debate. He might have had a history of telling tall tales, but they were usually bred of some kind of fact.

In my twenties, I had read somewhere that people who are struck by lightening act like a lightening rod. Something about the energy of their body is some kind of conduit for the energy once it’s been in them. And I read that this could be passed down a generation.

Once again, no idea of this is a real fact and I’m not really going to debate it because, like me Grandpa, I also love to spin a tall tale or two. However, without any joking or exaggeration I can tell you that wherever my Dad went, lightening struck. It hit his office building when he was in it. It struck two different homes that he lived in while he was inside. Usually completely destroying the electricity of a few rooms, thankfully, and no fires or personal injury. But these kinds of things make me avoid being outdoors when thunder and lightening are present.

And today was no exception. Though by the time I got back to my vehicle, the storm had nearly passed. Still, I’m going to take any chances: would you?

The other thing I remember about this hike? TURKEYS! Turkeys everywhere gobbling and strutting and making a fuss all sides of me! They were far enough away that my movement didn’t scare them off so they just kept making a racket. A delightful and humorous kind of racket.

The other memorable piece to this loop was the climb. Ooofa! What a climb! I don’t have record of my elevation any longer, unfortunately. I wish I had because this one was a doozy!

With every nice hike, though, there is a downside and this loop had no exception. It is like a wasteland of garbage. People come to this area to dump stuff. Why? I dunno. Doesn’t the town pick up their garbage? And why would you pitch things here, in a peaceful place where animals call home and drink the very water your waste in contaminating? And then there is the creepy car, and the creepy chair, and the creepy powerlines that make your head buzz when you pass under them. Which happened to be the exact place I saw lightening flash.

The turkeys kept me grounded and feeling safer. I figured, if they were out, it must be okay…. right?

WELP! Enjoy the photos. I’m neither here nor there about this route. I won’t go back. Unless you also want to hike all of the marked trails on NY/NJ TC map #115, I wouldn’t tell you this is a “must do” hike. I mean, it’s nice but… creepy. So. Yeah.