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9-11 Memorial Hike, New Shoes and The Injury

September 11, 2020

I've started and re-started this blog entry a thousand times. I hate to say that the reason I've been away has been due to an injury, but that is the sorry truth. It was September 11th, and I was feeling particularly melancholy. I just couldn’t shake it. Not solely because it was 9-11, but also because I was still feeling a weight of grief from my father's passing. I hadn't planned to go out that day to hike the AT Corridor, but there I was... healing my broken heart within the loving power of the trees. I had hoped to hike from Mt. Peter (sobo) to Cascade Lake Park, but I also knew that I had to plan my hike in a timely manner as I had an obligation to fulfill by way of taking the kid to an orthodontist appointment. Thrilling, I know. Just try to contain your excitement.

"But what happened? How’d you get injured, Highlight?" I hear you say. Well, it didn’t take long in my ridge walk high above Greenwood Lake to figure out that my new Topos, which I had such high hopes for, weren't going to give my ankles the support they needed. I basically overpronated my foot getting over a rock scramble, and tore my Abductor Hallucis, which is the muscle that does the important job of flexing your big toe. But this injury is a double edged sword because I also have a classic case of plantar facitis... so I really damaged a lot of connective tissue that, over the last few months, I had worked really hard to repair and correct. No good. And a big deflation of my spirit. For a person who relies on nature to feel balanced and solid, not being able to even walk up and down the stairs in my own home is a debilitating blow. But I managed to keep myself in check over the last few months and am slowly healing in order to get back out there before the autumn leaves turn and fall. There is, after all, no more beautiful time to hike in New Jersey than in the blush of autumnal colors.

Believe it or not, while I was out there, a lot of amazing things and happy meetings happened. I met two different sobo AT Thru-Hikers, Ace and Armadillo, and had a really nice chat about favorite films and kids with a day hiker in the parking lot. Unfortunately, I didn’t take pictures of any of these lovely and kind humans, and regretfully didn’t write down Ace’s Instagram handle so I can’t follow him… but I remember he was a genuinely nice kid from Nebraska, having a great time on the trail. If anyone knows his Insta handle, lemme know. Armadillo is an incredibly cheerful human, though, to be honest I got the impression that when I crossed his path he was between things: thinking about this and that. Still, he has some great photos on his Instagram page and is worth following at mediocremountaineer (which made me snort laugh with amusement when he told me). Give him a visit…. tell him Highlight sent you!

Long story short: I need the support of a mid-boot. So back to the store I go for yet another pair of Oboz. Since the colder, wetter months are ahead, I’ve decided to give the Bridger B-Dry mid a try… in the correct size this time. I love the Sawtooth mid, because my feet tend to get really hot and these boots provide a ton of ventilation. But then I think back to a number of cold, wet hikes with creek crossing this past February with well ventilated boots. I think back to how long it took my toes to thaw out. And I think maaaaaaybe a B-Day boot is better for winter/spring, and the Vent boot is best for summer/fall. You can never have too many boots, amiright???

But don’t get me wrong - I love the Topos. These freaking shoes have the comfort value of fuzzy slippers. But the Topos will be reserved for more even terrain where I don’t need as much hoof’n support.

Alright, already! I’ll quit my yappin’ and get to the photo album! ENJOY!