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Highlight Hiker Blog

May 9, 2021


The Appalachian Trail

Sterling Forest, NY

Mother’s Day. As a Mom I covet Mother’s Day. We’ve gotten past the need for brunch of ice cream sundaes. No. We’re at the phase now in my family where if I didn’t go hiking, they would check me for fever. Yes. Mother’s Day. The day when all Mothers should be able to do whatever it is they want without guilt! That includes everything from eating ice cream sundaes to jumping up and down on a trampoline (and if you’re a Mom you probably know why that’s funny. But we’ll keep that secret to ourselves).

Mother’s Day 2021 was perfect: marvelously sunny and warm with a cool breeze. Where else would I want to go hiking, then, but the Appalachian Trail? I had made up my mind the night before to see more of my favorite long distance trail rather than complete a trail on map #115. While I am desperate to complete Norvin Green State Forest, this was MY day, so I wanted to go where my heart (and my boots) belong: the Appalachian Trail.

I love the AT. I just love it. The romance of adventure and hardship and beauty and simplicity all wrapped up into 2,193.1 miles…? =sigh= Some people feel that way about a Jane Austen novel… I feel that way about long distance hiking. Some day I will walk it’s length in one season, but for now I will content myself with sections along its length as I complete the maps in Northern NJ. The Thru-Hikers I meet always say, “Don’t wait too long!” to which I reply, “I’m waiting for my children to graduate. I have so little time left with them until they fly out of the nest, and they are worth that time. So for now, I choose my wonderful family over the trail.”

But one day. One day.

One thing I’ve noticed about the AT in these here parts is that when it’s easy, it’s delightfully easy, but when it’s tough, it is rough and gritty and means business. There doesn’t seem to be much in-between. In this section the trail can be so sweet and easy that you could skip along it with a basket full of apples. But then there comes Eastern Pinnacle and Cat Rocks, where you need both hands to scramble and climb and the apples would have been lost to the gaping crevasse below. It isn’t monstrously difficult - shoot, if I can do it, you can too! But if you’re like me and get a little woozy standing on a precipice looking down upon a sea of treetops with granite walls below you, you might have to convince yourself that you’re ok getting up and down Cat Rocks. Which I did! There’s photo evidence below to prove it! I didn’t take the blue blaze… well, I did on the way back but that’s because I was really, really late for my Mother’s Day brunch of ice cream sundaes.

 The Appalachian Trail

Sterling Forest, Warwick, NY

Total Mileage:

6.37 miles

Total Elevation:

1,125 feet