Highlight Hiker Blog
April 25, 2022
Sterling State Forest, New York
Appalachian Trail
Foot Traffic Only
You know by now how much I love the Appalachian Trail, right? I blow the trail a kiss whenever I cross it while driving. I have given thru hikers trail magic, given them rides, fed them lunch. It’s an experience I would love to have for myself: to hike continuously over thousands of miles on an epic adventure. But for now I’m content with day hiking sections and meetings it’s thru hiking populous during their short visit to northern NJ… or in PA when I’m in PA.
When I started out on April 25th, it was a dreary, post-massive-rain day and I wasn’t really here nor there about hiking, I more or less just wanted to check out the next section (NOBO) of the AT that I hadn’t yet hiked. I hadn’t ever been to this section of Sterling Forest so the day was only slightly reserved for hiking…. it more about getting myself familiar with parking and road crossing, etc. But who can resist the AT when it calls? NOT ME! So I parked on w. Mombasha Rd. and went off in search of adventure anyway.
But as I said before, it was the day after rain and the rock was still slick and the leaves were decomposing and mushy and it was just kinda’ wet and gross out in general. I headed SOBO from Mombasha Rd. and hiked up the short but steep hill, which had a decent that was even shorter and steeper. When I got there, I noticed that the rocks were really slick and I just wasn’t comfortable with a steep decent on slick rock, so I backtracked and went NOBO past Mombasha Rd to the creek which connects Mombasha Lake to Klobiers Pond. That little walk suited my mood much more. The creek crossing here reminded me of my favorite little spot in Newark-Pequannock Watershed, the Two Brooks Trail, and that made me feel all warm and fuzzy in my heart. But, in perfect AT fashion, there was a clandestine campsite right there by the creek, which is where the similarity came to an abrupt end, as did my hike because (as I look at my watch) Oh shit! it’s time to pick up the kids from school.
Recon mission complete, I decided to save these sections for better days ahead.
Sterling State Forest
Appalachian Trail
Boundary signage on Mombasha Rd.
Looking up the pike to a fairly steep hike. I'm a poet and I know it.
AT signage on Mombasha Rd. Parking is roadside. You can easily fit 10 cars using both sides of the road. I'm not sure this a popular enough destination to require that many spots, though.
Headed uphill.
Early signs of springtime life
Aaaaaand then more climbing.
Not much of a scenic view, although the map indicates that this is a viewpoint. I was underwhelmed.
More underwhelming view
And a bit more of my being underwhelmed.
The leaves were devilish on the descent. They looked dry but beneath the surface they were wet and decayed and slippery.
The creek near to Mombasha Rd
Everything about it reminded me of Two Brooks, even the sounds of it.
The view looking toward Kloibers Pond
The view looking toward Mombasha Lake
The fun rocks to scramble
Looking back at this view, which was much better than the one on top of the hill
Yay! Marker!
There's where it sits, in case you're interested
Clandestine Campsite. Looks pretty nice, though. I'd camp there!