Highlight Hiker Blog

May 26, 2022

Long Pond Ironworks
Tapawingo Trail

foot traffic only

Fan of my website? Then you know that’s I’ve already explored some of the freshly blazed Tapawingo Trail in Norvin Green State Park on April 2, 2021. This little bit that I hiked (and it was just a little bit) was freshly blazed. It’s combination of previous unmarked single track, freshly blazed single track and what appear to be old carriage roads.

I like Long Pond Ironworks overall. I think that it is a bit underrated next to it’s larger neighbor, Norvin Green. I personally prefer LPI to NG (with the exception of the Hasenclever, which while great in theory to have an historic trail, ends up just being creepy and making me feel like I’m being watched) for it’s solitude and types of trails and terrain. I may be in the minority in thinking so, but being an underdog myself, I have a deep resounding love of the underdogs and therefore adore LPI. My favorite portion of this section of the Tapawingo was the carriage road. Despite the fact that it was thick with mud and puddles the forest was dense and quiet and green and healthy. Abundant in color and texture and skittering creatures and flying birds. And then of course there were the pine trees further up the hill with their soft, coated ground and scented air. =sigh= So delightful.

The only component we’re still waiting for is the spur trail that gives the Tapawingo access to Jungle Habitat. In the summer of 2022, it still had not been completed. Hopefully this season (as I write this is February of 2023) we will get to see the trail completed and will have the potential for bigger miles by enjoying both parks in one day.

Since a picture says a thousand words, I’ll stop my yapping now and let you go have a little looksee at the gallery! ENJOY!

Long Pond Ironsworks
Tapawingo Trail (north end)